You've got our number
We’re always looking for ways to make life a little easier for our installers. That’s why we’ve streamlined the contact numbers you need to contact us.
If you’re hard at work and need a little advice, want to find out about a training course or have a query about your Baxi Works account, here are the numbers you need to know.
Baxi Works
Call this number if you have any questions or issues with your Baxi Works account. You can also email support@baxiworks.co.uk.
If you want to brush up on your skills, learn about our range of boilers or take an accredited course, you can enquire about free of charge or paid for training and book your place by calling this number.
Baxi Customer Support
If you need to speak to our technical helpline or require a priority call-out from a Baxi Customer Support engineer, call this number, and we are here to help.
You can also use your personalised Baxi Works account dashboard to see if you have any points due to expire, how many more boilers you need to register for extra benefits, and access helpful technical ‘how-to’ videos, which could be useful while you are working on site.
Baxi Training
Discover our comprehensive range of courses and videos designed to enhance your skills and knowledge.
Contact your ASM
If you are a merchant or installer, your local Baxi representative is here to help.